


administrative process, administrative procedure, administrative proceedings, electronic service, procedure of providing electronic services


The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of the category of electronic services provision. The purpose of this article is to formulate the concept of electronic services and to clarify its essence. To solve this goal, the author is assigned the following tasks: 1) to consider the connection of the category "electronic services" with the following terms: "administrative services", "state services" and "municipal services"; 2) give your own definition of electronic services. The methods of the article are a set of modern methods and techniques of knowledge of objective reality, combining both general scientific and special methods of knowledge. The basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition, according to which the problems addressed in the dissertation are presented in the form of unity of their social content and legal form. The results are a comparison of the categories "administrative process", "administrative procedure" and "administrative proceedings". The basic approaches to defining the concept of the procedure of providing electronic services by the executive authorities and highlighting the features of the above concept are considered. In Ukraine, when using the category of "service", the main focus is on the legal aspects, and in particular on the administrative procedure for their provision. This can be explained by the fact that the main ideologues of introducing the theory of services in Ukraine are, first of all, representatives of the science of administrative law. Due to the fact that the main opponents of this theory are representatives of the legal science, who question the very possibility of applying the category of "services" to the activities of state authorities and local self-government, this led to particularly lively discussions on this issue in jurisprudence. Conclusions. Electronic services are services provided through the eGovernment system in view of the fact that "one of the priority tasks in the development of the information society is to provide information and other services to citizens and legal entities through the use of the electronic information system" eGovernment », Which ensures informational interaction of executive authorities with each other, with citizens and legal entities on the basis of modern information technologies». The conclusion is made that the electronic service is regulated by legal acts of the activity of public administration bodies with the help of modern information and communication technologies for consideration of an application of an individual or legal entity for issuance of an administrative act (permit (license), certificate, certificate, etc.), aimed at securing its rights and legal interests and / or fulfillment of a person’s statutory duties.


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