


youth, education, education, administrative and legal regulation patriotism, national identity


The paper is focused on the research and analysis of administrative and legal regulation of the educational process of youth in the conditions of modern challenges facing Ukraine. It was found that the administrative-legal mechanism in this sphere of relations should be aimed at overcoming of inconsistencies in the implementation of the powers of the central executive bodies, which should ensure youth, educational, cultural, social and economic policies, expanding the opportunities for their interaction. It was determined that the educational component plays an important role in the upbrining of young people. Attention is focused on approaches to defining the concept of administrative and legal regulation; identifying the characteristics of youth as a separate special socio-demographic group; the content and signs of the youth education process are clarified; the offers of the main practical ways of overcoming the youth’s crisis in Ukraine in the 21st century were given (taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of state-building national-patriotic processes in today's conditions). Particular attention is paid to the quantitative indicators of youth involvement in public life, the level of their interest in the development of civil society is analyzed based on authoritative data from European studies. A conclusion was made about the low degree of involvement of youth organizations and movements in the political and social sphere, the insufficiency of regulatory and legal regulation of this sphere of relations. The work outlines the main, in author’s opinion, vectors of the development of public relations that affect the ideological component of the mentality of young people, focusing on those key aspects that should be considered in the process of laying the foundations of civil society in Ukraine. Separate opinions are presented regarding the role of youth in the development of international and domestic institutions. The conclusions reflected in the paper, with their correct interpretation and full-fledged practical implementation, will allow to improve the administrative and legal means that directly affect the educational process of young people. These conclusions will contribute to the construction of a new concept of youth development in Ukraine.


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