


criminal offense, domestic violence, investigation, forensic classification


In a civilized, democratic society, the rule of law is important. That is why, on Ukraine's path to the European community, it is necessary not only to modernize the political and economic foundations of state policy, overcome technological backwardness, develop and implement the latest technologies, create new jobs, etc., but also to reform and improve the methods of combating criminal offenses, which encroach on the rights of citizens. Criminal offenses related to domestic violence have a wide resonance not only in connection with the danger it poses to the life and health of persons who become participants in such events, but also in connection with the fact that they cause harm healthy development of children and adolescents, hinder the formation of family values in society. The increase in the commission of such criminal offenses negatively affects the social development of the country and the provision of various humanitarian needs of the population. Overcoming such a socially dangerous phenomenon as violence in general and domestic violence in particular is facilitated by the modernization and improvement of the process of investigating criminal offenses related to it. Today, the mechanisms of response of state institutions to manifestations of domestic violence, the process of bringing the perpetrators to justice, in particular criminal, and, accordingly, the improvement of the process of judicial review of the relevant proceedings, need to be improved. Such activity, in turn, involves the development of new methods for investigating criminal offenses related to domestic violence, which must take into account all the variety of ways of committing and concealing it, motives for committing violent acts, places and mechanisms of committing illegal acts, that is, all forensic and criminal law characteristics of a criminal offence. Determinant for the creation of an effective methodology for the investigation of criminal offenses related to domestic violence are the knowledge of the processes that take place during the commission of the specified criminal offenses, the determination of cause and effect relationships between the participants of the event, the identification of patterns of reflection of such activity in the material environment, generalization and systematization of personal characteristics of both the offender and the victim.


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