attitude, motivation, psychological health of young peopleAbstract
This article reveals a topical topic of today: the influence of motivation and attitudes on preserving the psychological health of young people. After conducting an analysis of modern domestic and foreign research on the psychological health of an individual, it is determined that psychological health is a state of mental well-being (comfort), an adequate attitude to the surrounding world, and the absence of painful mental phenomena (phobias, neuroses). It was revealed that among a number of author’s positions, scientific views prevail, according to which psychological health is understood as an individual’s ability to self-realization, self-actualization, adequate self-perception of oneself and the world. It has been established that the level of human health is determined by the conditions of his life: education, work and life, well-being and hygienic culture, and most of all – the way of life. Lifestyle includes such categories as standard of living, quality of life and style. A significant influence of motivation and personality attitude on one’s psychological health is determined. A motive is a justification for a decision to satisfy or not satisfy a specified need in a given objective and subjective environment, and an attitude is an unconscious state of readiness for a certain behavior or activity. The installation is most often formed as a result of repeated repetition of situations in which a person reacts in a certain way. The installation distinguishes three components: cognitive (cognitive); emotional and evaluative; behavioral. The criteria for the formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children and youth are: at the level of physical health: striving for physical perfection; at the level of mental health (psychological comfort): correspondence of cognitive activity to calendar age, development of voluntary mental processes; at the level of spiritual health: consistency of universal and national moral and spiritual values, presence of a positive ideal; and at the level of social health (social well-being): formed civic responsibility for the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, socially oriented communicativeness, benevolence in the attitude towards people, the ability to self-actualize, self-regulate, and self-educate.
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