subject, professional training, structure, creativity, typology, factor, clusterAbstract
This study is devoted to the actual problem of theoretical and methodological substantiation, diagnostic and psychological interpretation of the subject's creativity typology at the final stage of professional training in the conditions of a modern domestic university. Realization of the main goal of the study is ensured by the description of the scientific and theoretical basis of studying the creativity of the subject of educational activity, the use of appropriate diagnostic procedures, cluster analysis of the empirical research material and the analysis of the typology of the creativity of the subject at the final stage of professional training. It is shown that a full-fledged psychological study of the subject's creativity in the process of professional training is more expedient, taking into account the micro-age specifics of the formation of creativity, a comprehensive consideration of the verbal and non-verbal components of creativity, an analysis of the typology of verbal and figurative creativity (factors, predictors, correlates), etc. According to the results of the conducted research, it can be stated that the subject of educational and professional activity is characterized by the ability to create fundamentally new objects of material and immaterial culture, the ability to independently, preventively, hierarchically set goals in various life situations, perfect possession of a wide arsenal of necessary skills, tools and tools of activity, awareness of one's significance in the eyes of others, a sense of responsibility for the effectiveness of one's own activity, the ability to show developed reflection, the ability for activity and behavioral integration. It was found that at the end of the training, students' verbal and visual creativity are consistent with each other, the prevailing typological profiles for verbal creativity are moderate level, moderately high, slow and high level, and for non-verbal creativity, moderate level, moderately high and high level of manifestation, etc.
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