


aggression, separation, relationships, emotions, behavior, speech


The article presents the results of a study of aspects of aggressive behavior of young children during the separation process. The concept of "separation", "aggressive behavior" is considered. The aim of the article is – to empirically investigate the manifestations of aggressive behavior of children through emotional, verbal, behavioral components, to identify signs that characterize aggressive behavior as attempts to oppose themselves to adults and resist the position of adults. L. Vygotsky, B. Elkonin, L. Bozhovych, L. Obukhov, V. Mukhin, M. Lisyn, and K. Polivanov addressed the issue of the crisis of three years. Among the foreign scholars who have paid attention to the problems of changing the social interaction of a child with an adult in early childhood, are the works of E. Keller, S. Buhler, M. Mahler, E. Erickson, A. Wallon. L. Obukhov notes the importance of purposeful confrontation of the child in the process of separation. It is noted that the diversity of its aspects is important in the interpretation of the concept of aggressive behavior. The views of scholars deserve special attention who move away from a narrow understanding of aggressive behavior as a set of actions aimed at harming others, and emphasize the importance of aggressive behavior in providing the vital needs of the individual, self-defense, response to security breaches and adaptive mechanism to environmental conditions. Analyzing scientific works, it was found that the aggressive behavior of children in the separation process of the crisis of three years is aimed at the implementation of confrontation with adults. It is analyzed that the issue of aggressive behavior of children in the separation process of three years of age does not go beyond the description of crisis symptoms and is not properly reflected in scientific opinion. Important achievements in the development of this issue are scientific views that focus on opposition and confrontation, as a necessary step in the behavior of the child on the way to its psychological separation from the adult. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found and recorded that the aggressive reaction of children in the crisis of the third year of life is expressed through emotional, behavioral and verbal components. During the observation, we also noted such components as facial expressions, sound expression and autonomic manifestations during aggressive behavior.


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