


Internet addiction, addiction, types of Internet addicts, stages of Internet addiction, symptoms of Internet addiction


The article analyzes the state of research on the phenomenon of addictive behavior, which is formed as a result of long-term and uncontrolled use of a computer and Internet resources directly. The urgency of the problem of Internet addiction among young people is determined by the rapid growth of Internet users. The psychological basics of the concepts "Internet addiction" and "addiction" are revealed. The problem of Internet addiction among young people is considered since this age category is the most vulnerable to the arising of this addiction. Types of Internet addiction are characterized: computer addiction, net compulsions, information overload, cybersexual addiction, and cyber-relational addiction). Types of Internet addicts are revealed: Internet communicators, Internet erotomaniacs, Internet aggressors, Internet cognitivists, and Internet buyers. The stages of Internet addiction and its symptoms are highlighted. Ways to prevent Internet addiction are described (informing young people about the mechanisms of the Internet's influence on personality; the formation of young people's strategies for highly functional behavior and internal personal motives and a system of values that contribute to a healthy lifestyle; development of resistance to negative social influences and personal resources and skills to achieve goals in real life; expanding the range of activities alternative to addictive behavior) and factors that would contribute to the prevention of youth addiction to the Internet. The results of the conducted experimental and research work are analyzed. The levels of young people's addiction to the Internet are established. The research results prove the relevance of the problem of Internet addiction among young people and require an urgent solution by developing means of prevention and reducing the manifestations of this type of addictive behavior.


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