higher education institution, higher education student, gender behavior, non-conflict environment, educational space, conflict behavior strategiesAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the influence of the personal characteristics of higher education students on the creation of a non-conflict environment in a higher education institution. The analysis of the research problem in the scientific psychological literature is presented, the influence of the personal characteristics of higher education students on the creation of a non-conflict environment of a higher education institution is theoretically determined, the phenomenon of a non-conflict environment is presented as a component of the success of the organization of the educational space, constructive means of solving conflict situations and the conflict-related competence of the participants of the educational process are determined. The positive and negative impact of the conflict on educational activity, the specifics of the development of the individual and meaningful sphere, the impact of the development of communication skills on the creation of a safe constructive environment in the institution of higher education are considered. The actual scientific task of the study is to form professional competencies of higher education students, and first of all, competencies of social interaction, expressed in clarifying the essence and specifics of non-conflictual interaction of participants in the educational process, its structural, substantive and functional basis. The rapid dynamics of changes in modern society have shown that the level of human knowledge must develop and modernize in accordance with the flows of information and knowledge that are present in society and especially in the scientific environment. In this regard, at present, the goal of education is not only knowledge, but also the development of constructive factors: certain skills and complex systemic thinking, which in turn forms the creation of a safe, non-conflict environment. The article reflects the influence of the personal characteristics of higher education students on the creation of a non-conflict environment of a higher education institution and consideration of the personal characteristics of higher education students, which is confirmed by a study of the influence of gender behavior on the choice of a conflict behavior strategy.
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