


The problem of a person's being in difficult life situations is extremely relevant in our society in the situation of the Russian- Ukrainian war. The article highlights the problem of resilience as a resource for overcoming life's difficulties in the conditions of war. In this investigation it is stated that Individual resources are life values that act as a real potential for overcoming adverse life events. The main goal is to highlight the problem of resilience as a resource for overcoming life's difficulties in the conditions of war. The results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of personality resilience are presented. The results of studies on internal and external resources for the development of personality resilience in adolescence are analyzed. The effectiveness of the use of resources and strategies of overcoming depends on the factors that characterize the situation and the capabilities of a person. In our study, we consider resilience as a resource for transforming life events into new possibilities despite external troubles. It is emphasized on the person's experience of a difficult life situation as a result of hostilities. Resilience develops throughout life, but adolescence is the most decisive and sensitive to its development. Especially in wartime, the psychics of a teenager is too sensitive and undergoes significant internal transformations. It is worthwhile for a teenager to show his capabilities, to help them comprehend, to form a goal and life beliefs in the conditions of war. The importance of strengthening resilience in adolescents in conditions of military conflict, the ability to build effective social interaction and find the best ways of selfdevelopment and self-realization of the individual are emphasized. It is noted that individuals who demonstrate a good level of resilience are able to withstand stress without losing the opportunity to act. It is worth attention that the problem that is raised is important and relevant for further study and implementation by psychologists of measures to provide psychological assistance to children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances


The problem of a person's being in difficult life situations is extremely relevant in our society in the situation of the Russian- Ukrainian war. The article highlights the problem of resilience as a resource for overcoming life's difficulties in the conditions of war. In this investigation it is stated that Individual resources are life values that act as a real potential for overcoming adverse life events. The main goal is to highlight the problem of resilience as a resource for overcoming life's difficulties in the conditions of war. The results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of personality resilience are presented. The results of studies on internal and external resources for the development of personality resilience in adolescence are analyzed. The effectiveness of the use of resources and strategies of overcoming depends on the factors that characterize the situation and the capabilities of a person. In our study, we consider resilience as a resource for transforming life events into new possibilities despite external troubles. It is emphasized on the person's experience of a difficult life situation as a result of hostilities. Resilience develops throughout life, but adolescence is the most decisive and sensitive to its development. Especially in wartime, the psychics of a teenager is too sensitive and undergoes significant internal transformations. It is worthwhile for a teenager to show his capabilities, to help them comprehend, to form a goal and life beliefs in the conditions of war. The importance of strengthening resilience in adolescents in conditions of military conflict, the ability to build effective social interaction and find the best ways of selfdevelopment and self-realization of the individual are emphasized. It is noted that individuals who demonstrate a good level of resilience are able to withstand stress without losing the opportunity to act. It is worth attention that the problem that is raised is important and relevant for further study and implementation by psychologists of measures to provide psychological assistance to children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.


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