strategic planning, assessment, monitoring, state regulation, development, territorial communityAbstract
At the article the assessment of the effectiveness of strategic planning as a component of the organizational mechanism of state regulation of the development of territorial communities were presented and evaluation tools in terms of monitoring indicators of development were defined. Also, it was research that in the Strategy for the Development of the Sumy Urban Territorial Community until 2030 was formed a system of guidelines that set a purposeful movement towards a steady increase in the stability of the economy and an increase in the quality of life of the population of the community. In addition, it was established: within the framework of the formation of the base of monitoring evaluation indicators, a list of indicators was defined in terms of which evaluation is provided, but there is no specific interaction between the strategic direction of development and evaluation indicators; there are no actual values of indicators defined by the Strategy as monitoring indicators; operational goals focused on the development of rural areas are completely absent. A significant gap between the values of the integral indicators for assessing the effectiveness of strategic goals: "Creation of opportunities for quality life, development of creative abilities and productive work of residents" and "Creation of conditions for full accessibility of the city at the local and international level", which were determined at the level of 1.02 and 1 .25, respectively, and the values of the integral performance indicators of the strategic goals: "Increasing the competitiveness of the city's economy" and "Increasing efficiency in management" are determined at the level of 3.75 were confirmed. A comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of strategic planning of the Sumy urban territorial community for 2021 was calculated, which was 2.44 out of 5.00 possible. The increase in the efficiency of strategic planning of the Sumy urban territorial community as a component of the organizational mechanism of state regulation of the development of territorial communities by 49.8% was justified.
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