


development model, local self-government, digital transformations, e-government, digital transformations


The article provides a solution to the current scientific problem of improving the mechanism of modernization of the development of e-government in the conditions of digital transformations; the methodological and theoretical foundations of state policy in the field of public administration and local governance, general aspects of public administration of state economic development and the development of local territorial communities, theoretical and methodological approaches and aspects of e-governance are elaborated; the key role of local authorities in forming the foundations of digital development; the consideration of the process of implementation and development of e-governance in the conditions of informatization of society is substantiated, which makes it possible to investigate the conceptual organizational foundations of e-governance in Ukraine, the mechanism of information provision in the conditions of digital transformations; the peculiarities of the institutional mechanism for ensuring e-government in Ukraine at the current stage of development, digital trends in the evolution of e-government are revealed; it has been proven that the introduction of the concept and the corresponding model of e-governance within the framework of local development and digital transformations in Ukraine in order to solve the current problems of public management, administration, and the development of territorial communities requires the modernization of the development system of ensuring the levels of public management and administration, the formation of new approaches to application of e-governance assessment approaches at the regional level; scientific approaches to the analysis of the issue of developing a mechanism for the modernization of e-government development in the conditions of digital transformations are proposed; the application of the modernized national model of the state with the analysis of state administrative and public services in Ukraine is substantiated, which is based on the principle of digital inclusion (i.e., the choice of alternatives for the development (evolution) of the digital system of public administration and local self-government based on the national goals of change and overcoming inequality and improving the quality of life person); the application of the mechanism of modernization of the e-governance development model in the conditions of digital transformations in Ukraine is proposed, which is aimed at achieving goals and objectives at the appropriate levels of state power and management on the basis of e-governance.


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