wives of combatants, social and psychological assistance, the experience of US support for military families.Abstract
The topic of social and psychological assistance to the families of servicemen and their wives is explored in the article. The experience compares psychological assistance to the military in Ukraine and the United States. The support system for family members is described in these countries. The study was conducted through the analysis of scientific papers, websites, and social networks of organizations that provide support to the families of servicemen. The family is a dynamic structure. It reflects changes in society and contributes to the creation of a safe space for life, which is supported by close family ties. Social and psychological assistance to the families of servicemen is important because it ensures the safety and security of close soldiers. The United States has a long and solid experience in developing programs to support native servicemen. This topic is still new and requires a broader study of the experience of other countries in Ukrainian society. The US experience in socio-psychological support of the military is analyzed in the article. Centers for self-education, and legal, psychological, and economic support operate in the country. The work is carried out with the help of employment, care for children, and relatives with inclusion and prevention of domestic violence. Families of servicemen are trained and learn about the peculiarities of the reactions of a person who has gained experience in hostilities. The topic of social and psychological support of native participants of hostilities is actively studied, scaled, and implemented in practice in Ukraine. Veterans of the Anti-Terrorist Operation\Joint Forces Operation and their families make a major contribution to its development. By their example, they encountered difficulties and were able to solve them. Support hotlines operate in Ukraine. A person can receive both psychological and informational help, emotional support, and crisis counseling. The system of peer-to-peer mutual support groups is also actively developing, and legal and psychological assistance centers operate in Ukraine. Institutions work to search for missing servicemen and prisoners. However, the big problem remains that not all relatives of the fighters know about the existence and services of support centers, and accordingly feel lonely and left with their problems.
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