



extracurricular education, cluster, educational and production cluster, public administration, competitiveness, integration, subject of educational activity, subject of entrepreneurial activity, public-private partnership, state authorities, local self-government.


The article proposes and characterizes a model of an educational and production cluster with an integrated element of extracurricular education in the context of public administration. The current challenges of the system of extracurricular education in Ukraine and the reasons for their occurrence are determined. Attention is focused on the fact that state and local self-government bodies need to find new ways to implement public administration of extracurricular education, ensuring its sustainable development in conditions of limited resources and further (potential) challenges/consequences by using opportunities for inter-institutional interaction of the public and private sectors based on public-private partnership, which is achieved in the application of the cluster model of activity of the relevant subjects – the formation of educational and production clusters. An analysis of the main provisions of the works of M. Porter, R. Martin, P. Sanli and Ukrainian scientists who studied the problems of cluster functioning was carried out: Ye. Borodin, I. Chikarenko, L. Zelenska, G. Piatnytska, O. Reshetniak, Yu. Zaika. It was determined that the concept of a cluster is multifaceted; is not unified, and the content depends on the context and scope of application; can be used in the educational field. In view of this, the definition of an educational cluster is proposed – cooperation of various relevant subjects of public administration and educational activity, which use each other's capabilities and resources to meet the educational needs of education seekers and implement joint projects. Different types of clusters were identified depending on the “core”. The importance of the integration of extracurricular education institutions with other subjects of educational and entrepreneurial activity through the formation of educational and production clusters is emphasized. The role of public authorities in the formation of educational & educational and production clusters, integration of external entities is determined. Based on this review, the definition of an educational-industrial cluster is proposed – cooperation between public authorities (state authorities/local self-government) and relevant subjects of educational activity with subjects of entrepreneurial activity that use opportunities (available and potential) and resources of each other for satisfaction educational needs of education seekers (as consumers of services) and implementation of joint mutually beneficial projects based on public-private partnership. It was revealed that the main advantages of the clustering of extracurricular education are the improvement of the quality of the provision of educational services due to the comprehensive coverage of education seekers by both formal and informal education; unification of resources of subjects of educational activity, in particular personnel resources for carrying out educational activities; the possibility of using the material and technical base of all entities of the cluster.


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