



criminological theories, corruption component, political, economic, tax, police, information (digital) criminology, humanistic and spiritual-value orientation, criminotheology.


The article considers the main directions of development of modern criminology, which are the key to the progressive development of society. Given that political crime in today's conditions is of exceptional importance due to the corruption component, attention is focused on the relevance of an in-depth study of political criminology. First of all, it is about the universalism and encyclopedic nature of criminology in the inseparable relationship of such aspects of its development as tax, economic, police, electronic (digital), anti-corruption, and criminology as a new way of the progressive development of criminological science. Emphasis is placed on the humanity of modern criminology and the prospects of new criminologies; the disinterest of politicians in the evolutionary development of criminology, when there is a reduction in the number of hours in its teaching, creates obstacles to the inclusion of science in educational standards or even efforts to exclude it from the educational process. The leitmotif of the article is the actualization of the educational goals of criminology in the context of the value component, which should become the cornerstone of modern jurisprudence and public policy. Criminology should be based on traditional spiritual and cultural values developed by mankind over millennia and based on the gene pool of the Ukrainian people, sanctity of his life. In this regard, it is important to consider the issues and processes of emergence and formation of new facets of criminology through its impact on the broad masses of existing classes of social relations, namely the formation of pious ancestral lines, thus clearing the genotype of atrocities and bad thoughts, forming the most promising concept – the criminogenic theory in criminology through the prism of spirituality, which is based on the genotype of the people, race, nation, which requires constant improvement and depletion of shortcomings and negatives acquired by previous ancestral lines and their own sinfulness.


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