forest, forest resources, forest legislation, legal forms of the use of the forestry resources, legal protection of forests, martial law.Abstract
The forest is an extremely important ecosystem that has a direct impact on other ecosystems and is linked to them. The stability of the whole industry depends on the proper legal protection of forests. The war in the country makes significant adjustments to the existence and functioning of the forest industry. Almost from the first days of the war there was a huge need for wood for the defense sector – the construction of fortifications, firewood for heating and cooking, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of the legal protection of forests and forest resources in wartime. The article considers the main measures of forest protection in martial law, which are aimed at protecting forests from fires, illegal logging, damage, weakening and other harmful effects. It is established that forest protection measures related to martial law are a separate type of measures that are directly of an emergency nature and require special attention of forest workers, because the damage that has already been done to forests as an ecosystem is significant and requires immediate response. The role of the public in the protection and conservation of forests and forest resources was considered. Every citizen can use a smartphone to transmit data about forest fires or illegal logging in order to respond immediately to the relevant authorities, which is important in wartime. It is determined that forest protection is one of the priority areas of the forest industry, because in wartime the issues of the need to use wood for defense purposes of the state, industry and society are acute. In addition, forests are important part of realizing ecological functions and have a significant impact on other ecosystems, so proper legal protection will ensure a stable state of the environment and the successful development of the state's economy.
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