rule of law, efficiency of public administration, European standards, human rights, rule of law, public administration, judicial protectionAbstract
The article analyzes the basic European standards for the formation of a modern system of public administration in view of the guarantees of judicial protection of human rights. A scientific and theoretical study of the formation and implementation of European standards for the protection of human rights, identified optimal ways to implement them in the modern system of public administration in Ukraine. The necessity of observance of human rights and their proper protection by the state as a criterion of the indicator of efficiency of the power is argued. The urgent need for further adaptation of the current national legislation in accordance with European standards, as important factors in the successful implementation of European aspirations of the state, as the European integration of Ukraine is a long-term strategic guideline. It is emphasized that the proper provision of human rights protection, guarantees and protection mechanisms form the humanistic nature of human-state relations, their interaction, as well as a real prospect for further development towards the introduction of new European standards of human rights protection. human rights is an urgent task of a state that has declared itself a democratic, social and legal state and has recognized human rights and their guarantees as determining the content and direction of its activities. European standards in the field of human rights protection are analyzed, which gives grounds to conclude that there are international stereotypes in the field of human rights protection, which have received international recognition and are enshrined in international regulations as binding agreements. It is emphasized that an important direction in the formation of a modern model of public administration is the development and implementation of such a management paradigm, which would aim at the proper implementation of judicial protection of human rights in public relations.
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