



resilience, mental health, mental recovery, formation of resilience, mental trauma, frustration.


The article examines approaches to the phenomenon of resilience in the context of mental health recovery. According to the author, the formation of resilience through psychological and pedagogical means can reduce the degree of mental trauma and/ or speed up recovery, based on the assumption of S. Kobas and S. Muddy that due to the deepening of the attitudes of inclusion, control and challenge (accepting the challenge of life), marked as "hardiness", a person can simultaneously develop, enrich his potential and cope with the stresses encountered on his life path. It is shown that vitality is an indicator of a person's mental health. Resilience emphasizes attitudes that motivate a person to transform stressful life events. A person's attitude to change, as well as his ability to use the available internal resources that help to effectively manage them, determine how much a person is able to cope with the difficulties and changes that he faces every day, and with those that are of a near-extreme and extreme nature. It is well-founded that resilience is a special pattern of attitudes and skills that allow you to turn changes into opportunities. The positive role of self-regulation and the ability to mobilize in the face of difficulties and failures is emphasized. The analysis of the results of scientific research and empirical data made it possible to state that the vitality of the individual is an integral characteristic of the individual, which allows resisting the negative effects of the environment, effectively overcoming life's difficulties, transforming them into a development situation. Vitality not only determines the nature of personal reaction to external stressful and frustrating circumstances, but also allows turning these circumstances into opportunities for self-improvement.


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