


children with special educational needs, psychological assistance, parents, recommendations, state of stress.


The article considers the problem of providing parents of children with special educational needs with psychological assistance during the war and creating an environment conducive to the healthy development and well-being of these children. The results of psychological state and mental health during hostilities, the mood of people in this difficult time, the individual characteristics of the psyche of each person are analyzed. The directions of work of the practical psychologist, principles of rendering of the first psychological help, specialized medical, psychiatric and social help, professional instructions concerning rendering of the first psychological help are considered. The problems of families raising children with special educational needs at different times in the works of researchers of special psychology are highlighted. The main task of the psychologist is to help parents of children with special educational needs during the war to overcome and eliminate various types of fears, organized a set of psychological classes that will ensure the development of emotional stability and restore children's own capabilities. There are useful tips on how to master yourself in critical conditions, how to help loved ones and maintain a healthy mental state in critical conditions, use self-support. Recommendations for planning psychological assistance to parents are given, the content and approximate topics of work with them are considered, aimed at helping both the adults themselves and their position of the educator in relations with their own child. Recommendations for parents of children with special educational needs, psychological exercises that will help to move from a state of stress to a state of adaptation, conditions for rapid adaptation to stress have been developed. Techniques used to relieve stress, depression, the ability to create the safest space for themselves are considered. As a result of the implementation of this set of measures, it is expected to reduce the level of anxiety, nervous tension, fears in children with special educational needs, the development of emotional stability, the ability to adequately express their emotions and feelings.


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