psychological influence, psychological features, psychodiagnostics, consumer behavior, impulsiveness, decision-making.Abstract
The article presents the results of the study of factors of psychological influence as factors in the formation of irrational consumer behavior. It was found that the factors of psychological influence have a relationship with the strategy of seeking social support and impulsiveness of purchases. Psychological influence is a directed action on the mental state, feelings, thoughts, intentions, evaluations, ideas, attitudes and actions of an individual or a group of people using psychological means. Purposefulness of influence assumes that the subject of influence has and is aware of a certain goal, and his actions are guided by the idea of what the object of influence should become, how his behavior should change as a result of influence. Human behavior is constantly influenced by many environmental factors. The information space and the struggle for the client today reach a new technological, ethical and moral level of discussion. There are more and more tools to influence consumers. How to protect yourself from this influence or at least notice and be aware when it happens. Every day we observe the emergence of new scientific directions, increasingly fundamental scientific discoveries are born in the combination of different sciences, which reveals a deeper understanding of the interrelationships and factors influencing certain phenomena. This is how the direction of "Behavioral economics" appeared at one time, which combines the foundations of both psychology and economics and improves the realism of the psychological assumptions underlying economic theory, promising to reunite psychology and economics in the process. Today, this combination seems logical and complementary to us, despite the fact that it was formed as a scientific direction only a few decades ago. That is why the topic of research on psychological influence as a tool for the formation of irrational consumer behavior is relevant, both in general psychological and in applied aspects.
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