


trauma, traumatic event, traumatic process, post-traumatic process, stress reaction, stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotherapeutic process.


The article discusses the psychotherapeutic principles of working with clients at various stages of trauma. A definition of a psychotraumatic event or situation is provided. A distinction is made between extraordinary and extreme psychotherapeutic situations and events. The signs of traumatic situations and events are grouped together, the impact they have on a person is described. The factors that cause differences in reactions and the strength of the impact of a traumatic event on a person are considered. The definition of psychotrauma, its causes, and the duration of its course are proposed. Ways of receiving an injury and signs of a person experiencing psychotrauma are highlighted. The rules and principles of the psychotherapist's work at the stage of the client's experience of trauma are proposed. It was emphasized that the main task at the stage of living with the injury is the stabilization of the client's mental state. After the stage of experiencing the trauma, the stage of the traumatic process, which is accompanied by a stress disorder, is highlighted. At this stage, attempts are made to integrate the traumatic experience. The mental processes that occur at the stage of the traumatic process are given: adaptation, displacement of the traumatic experience and its constant invasion. The signs and rules of the psychotherapist's work at the stage of the traumatic process have been elaborated. The stages of a psychotherapist's work with a client who has experienced a traumatic experience and turned in at the stage of the traumatic process are given. A scheme of the development of the injury process depending on the level of stress and time has been developed. The stages of trauma and the corresponding psychological states are given. The signs of the third stage of trauma – the post-traumatic process have been analyzed. It was found that this stage is accompanied by post-traumatic stress disorder. Definition of the concept and diagnostic criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder are proposed. It is emphasized that the main task of the psychotherapist at this stage of trauma is the integration of the client's traumatic experience and his return to his usual life.


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