gender, gender dictionary, gender thesaurus, gender glossary, gender terms, gender-based research, Gender Studies, Gender Mainstreaming, EIGE's Gender Equality Glossary & Thesaurus.Abstract
The article provides a brief overview of the disciplinary sphere of Ukrainian terminological gender studies in terms of their ability to ensure national gender policy and governance; and presents new opportunities for regulating the usage of the terms in the state gender policy and legislation in Ukraine by preparing a Ukrainian translation of an authoritative specialized dictionary on gender issues. It was found that more than 20 years of Ukrainian practice of individual or author's dictionaries, thesauri, and glossaries for thematic publications in the field of both gender theory and practical gender policy had a double impact. Positive impact, as it forms the terminological framework and thus enables their developers to continue working on their immediate issues of gender policy, governance, education or research based on reasonable terminology; Negative impact, as it created various linguistic and terminological differences, which increased tensions between representatives of various stakeholders in the field of a national policy of equality and non-discrimination in Ukraine. It was found that today the need to standardize professional terminology in the field of gender policy and establish a common language for a common cause is quite obvious to all stakeholders. It is argued that the accumulated uncertainties and ambiguities that have arisen due to the long-term neglect of the terminological needs of gender policy in Ukraine can be overcome by translating and disseminating a reputable and internationally recognized dictionary. In particular, the recently translated into Ukrainian glossary and thesaurus of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGR), which contains 450 gender terms with their comprehensive and detailed definitions and is used for lawmaking, policy development, advocacy and research in the EU. and now – in Ukraine.
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