institution, professionalization of public service, provider system, rule of law, stakeholder, legislative framework.Abstract
In modern conditions the high quality of public administration and services is a critical aspect of state competitiveness. One of the foundations of ensuring high quality of public administration and services is the professionalization of public service. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of development of the institute of professionalization of public service in Ukraine and to formulate proposals on the system of prerequisites of its provision. The article considers the peculiarities of the development of the institute of professionalization of public service in modern Ukrainian realities. Based on analysis of structural peculiarities of staff composition of local authorities of a separate region, taken from previous studies, the author has formed several conclusions of applied character on the direction of focus of tasks of professionalization of public service. The importance of a systemic approach in the task of developing the institute of professionalization of public service was noted, and it was proposed to implement a comprehensive program designed to promote the systemic and sustainable development of the institute of professionalization. A separate focus is aimed at the role of stakeholders in the effective development of the professionalization institute and the provider system. The importance of attracting the support of key stakeholder groups for the effective implementation of a comprehensive change program is noted. Special attention was paid to the importance of involvement of civil servants of various levels as one of the stakeholder groups to reduce the risk of non-acceptance of changes or their sabotage. The importance of formation of public coalitions as an effective lever to accelerate the introduction of changes, acceptance of their results, advocacy of changes among broad groups of stakeholders was noted. The aspect of permanence of changes in the context of development of the institute of professionalization of public service during the transit of power is highlighted separately.
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