public administration, communication activity, health care institutions, local self-government bodies, communication strategy.Abstract
The article substantiates the importance of expanding the areas of research of communicative activities of health care institutions of territorial communities, including under martial law. Communicative activity has been little studied in the context of public health. The role of communication activities of health care institutions in territorial communities has also been little studied. The analysis of scientific publications showed the absence of a single conceptual approach to the communication activities of health care institutions in territorial communities on the issues of public health preservation and disease prevention. The content of communication strategies of local self-government bodies is different from the communication strategies of health care institutions. Communication strategies of local self-government bodies are aimed at building interaction with different population groups, and not at public health issues and the role of health care institutions in this process. Healthcare communication strategies aim to increase patient awareness of health services and care, which should lead to more patients. Communication strategies are mostly related to institutional aspects and not to the methodology of health care institutions. There is no system of methods of communicative activity of the health care institution. The staff of health care institutions have a low level of organizational skills and the implementation of communicative activities. There are several directions of communications that are popular at the modern stage: development of communication strategies; organization of communications in healthcare institutions; use of external communication methods of health care institutions and authorities; recommendations on the creation of partnership relations between local self-government bodies, health care institutions and other interested parties; formation of communications during martial law to provide the population with access to medical services and medical assistance. The main methods of communication are informing, informative message, informative and explanatory activities. These methods differ in their focus. Local self-government bodies use them to form interaction with the population. and healthcare facilities use them to attract patients. There are no separate communication strategies of local self-government bodies for health care, public health, and determination of the place and role of health care institutions in this process. This requires the formation of a new conceptual approach to the communicative activity of health care institutions in territorial communities.
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