foreign economic security, national security, public administration, public administration in the field of foreign economic security.Abstract
The author 's conceptual model of public administration system formation in the field of foreign economic security is proposed, which structurally includes seven levels: the first level – factors determining at the supranational level the origin and dynamics of international economic security, global policy, regional economic – Euro-Atlantic and European; the second level – the factors that determine at the national level the emergence and dynamics of public administration in the field of foreign economic security, in particular basic social institutions: economics, politics, culture; third and fourth levels – external and internal institutional environment for the formation of public administration in the field of foreign economic security; fifth level – the institutional matrix of public administration in the field of foreign economic security; the sixth level is the level of processes that covers the cycles of development and implementation of policies for the formation of public administration in the field of foreign economic security, as well as mechanisms for developing and implementing this policy; the seventh level is organizational, which includes the stages of state-regulatory influence on the formation of the system of public administration in the field of foreign economic security in accordance with the implementation of the idea of participatory management of national security. It is conclude that the introduction of the conceptual model of public administration in the field of foreign economic security, the main idea of which is the evolutionary development of public administration institutions in this specific area with the principle of complementarity, will increase the efficiency of Ukraine's foreign economic security.
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