



correctness, social cohesion, public sphere, public administration, public service.


The article emphasizes the processes of growing social role of the individual, humanization and democratization of society, dynamism of socio-economic and socio-cultural processes, their decentralization, integration, globalization, which indicate the importance of forming in civil servants a proper understanding of political correctness as a mechanism of social cohesion in domestic society. Today there is a variety of essential psychological characteristics of correctness as one of the effective mechanisms of social cohesion, which is an effective capacity for tolerance, mercy and characterizes the high level of maturity of the value-semantic sphere of modern man in general and civil servants in particular. In today's environment, the concept and content of political correctness are associated with a certain system of values and the problem of achieving them in society as a whole and in the public sphere in particular. It is emphasized that this process is characterized by the presence of certain contradictions and becomes especially relevant when the elements of different cultural principles begin to interact, first of all, freedom, justice, democracy, equality and humanism. It is established that a modern civil servant must correctly perceive the unity of modern society, the relationship and interdependence of everyone, respect the established rules of law, traditions, views of others, have a certain set of knowledge, find their place in social processes and public service, to work in the civil service without harming oneself, society, the state or another person. Political correctness as a mechanism of social cohesion of modern society determines the stability of human behavior, provides an understanding of the causes and ways of educating modern civil servants who will accept the values of "others", recognize the right of others to be themselves in relationships with others, work on themselves and more. It is proved that the changes taking place today in the public sphere cover all spheres of human life, requiring the appropriate formation of such a person who will have a tolerant, humane worldview, behavior and attitude to reality.


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