economic activity, regulation of economic activity, levers of influence, economic activity.Abstract
In the framework of this article, an analysis of the Ukrainian traditional statehood in the minds of the XVI–XVII century is presented, which, from one side, characterizes the historical types in the sphere of regulation by government institutions, and from the other side, such a camp of cultivation in the rural state as a whole. It was analyzed the economic life of that hour, the total injection of economic, institutional and normative warehouses, which formed the main principles, forms, trends, factors for the development and decline (internal, external) of the minds of the activity of the state. The government plays an important role in ensuring the effective development of the economy and the country as a whole. The process of formation and development of the forms of ruling the state in the Ukrainian lands went through a series of stages, which changed the economic mode and the way of the state. Looking at the essence and specificity of the regulation of state activity on the Ukrainian lands in the minds of the social and economic camp, it is important to understand, what may be the place in the history of Ukraine, the development of the same mind and factor, yak On the basis of this, more in detail, to complete the specifics of the throat formation and formation of the sovereign administrative infusion, its prospects and imovirnі naslіdki, like wines can be a mother for modern suspіlstv, like perebuvayut in the minds of today. Comprehensive understanding of the problems of the minds of the administration of the state was mindful of the need to set a goal: to follow up concrete-historical minds, to reveal the objective regularities and peculiarities of the vindication of the state regulation as a phenomenon in the global-historical process of the European development of the development of nationality in Ukraine; development of a new conceptual apparatus of legal regulation of business. The main principles (repetition, regularity), forms, tendencies, factors of development and decline (internal, external), criteria (depression, stagnation) of regulating the government's activities of that period have been studied.
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