


personality, resource, resourcefulness, psychological resource, psychological health, activation.


The article is intended to consider the activation of personal resources as a guarantee of maintaining mental health. The definition of the concept of psychological health and resources in the scientific psychological literature is analyzed to understand the current issues of personal resources activation. The article substantiates the relevance of studying the activation of personal resources in modern society, in conditions of constant change and social upheaval. Negative changes and disturbances in health lead to undesirable consequences and are reflected in the usual way of life, the potential to support others is represented by the resources of the individual as a system that is constantly replenished or reduced so that the individual can function. The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the issue of activating the individual’s resources. The generalized results of scientific research of authors’ researches concerning psychological resources and resource channels of the person are provided. The following types of personal resources are considered: personal, psychological, internal, external. Particular attention is paid to the activation of personal resources, where the main emphasis should be on the importance of maintaining mental health, finding ways to improve it and maintain optimal functioning. The importance of performing the following exercises for the development of internal resources is noted: rethinking one’s own values, developing an action plan for several scenarios – optimistic and pessimistic; finding something new in familiar things. The following ways to reduce negative experiences through the activation of bodily resources are outlined: self-embrace; five sensations; gravity; physical activity; exercises where the physical balance must be maintained. The importance of personal resources for the proper functioning of mental health is argued. The prospects of empirical research on the issue of activating one’s own psychological resources as a guarantee of maintaining good health are outlined.


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