


public administration, public administration, local self-government, civil society, democracy, gender equality, gender policy.


The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific approaches to determining the priority areas of gender policy in public administration. The opinion is presented that the process of realization of citizens’ rights and freedoms is accompanied by a dichotomous problem caused by stereotypes based on sex discrimination. The systemic nature of this problem in social interaction is seen in the formation of a whole system of gender discrimination, which becomes the basis for status restrictions among women, including in public administration. It is determined that the implementation of the paradigm of gender parity in public administration in Ukraine is limited today by certain barriers in the system of public administration. The main obstacle is the lack of a legal mechanism to ensure the principle of equality between women and men. In order to outline the conceptual principles of the paradigm of gender equality in public administration, the essential scientific approaches to the category of "public administration" are analyzed. It is determined that this concept is not officially enshrined in Ukrainian legislation. This is recognized as the reason for replacing it with the term "public administration", which is explained as a gross error. The authors emphasize the importance of distinguishing between the concepts of "state power" and "public power". The term "public administration" is proposed to be considered as a diffusion of public and public administration, consolidated by common public interests, goals and objectives. It is proposed to consider the implementation of the constitutionally guaranteed right of the people to exercise their powers through the established legislative, executive, judicial, local self-government bodies, special state services and civil society institutions to be considered the main principle of public administration. Publicity of governance is seen as a priority of democratic values, principles of the rule of law, respect for human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, justice, security, efficiency. Accordingly, the parity of women’s representation in public authorities is considered as one of the indicators of the level of democratization of society. The article, based on a critical analysis of the scientific positions of scientists, summarizes the main directions of gender policy in public administration at the national, regional and local levels. The effectiveness of this policy is proposed to be determined by three main indicators: parity in decision-making by public authorities; mechanisms and methods for implementing gender equality; degree of equality in all spheres of public activity. The practice of mediation in gender-sensitive public spheres is considered an important innovation in the gender policy of public administration.


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