Public Service, martial law, competition, rights and guarantees, remote work.Abstract
The article analyzes some issues of organization of civil service during the war. It is determined that the normal work regime of civil servants, defined and enshrined in current legislation, ensuring their rights and legitimate interests, as well as creating safe working conditions for the performance of professional powers and duties in wartime becomes almost impossible. However, the state is obliged to do everything possible to preserve and restore the work of state bodies that ensure public order and security, provide administrative services and ensure the rights of citizens. As it turned out, the legislation on civil service was not ready for such events, so, as experience shows, many issues and peculiarities of civil service are enshrined in the bylaws of relevant authorities and explanations of the National Civil Service Agency. In particular, among such topical issues that need their normative and practical settlement during martial law is the issue of entering the civil service. The problem of filling vacancies in the civil service during martial law is relevant because the usual competitive procedure provided by law is impossible for a number of objective reasons, and we should not forget that among civil servants there are conscripts and those who found desire to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Territorial Defense. There are several problems here: to fill the vacancy, while ensuring the rights and legal guarantees of the official who defends the homeland. Peculiarities of settling the issue of providing and organizing remote work of civil servants are determined. In the conditions of war the question of normative clear definition of the organization of remote work of civil servants is extremely important, and almost the only way out of the situation in which the country finds itself. The peculiarities of the professional activity of civil servants who work remotely while abroad are considered separately. The article also considers the issue of providing legal guarantees and incentives for civil servants during martial law. In particular, guarantees for the preservation of jobs, positions, average earnings, etc. The problem of resolving these issues is that the war period is unpredictable in time, resource costs and necessary human resources. However, first of all it is important to adhere to the generally accepted constitutional principles and principles of civil service, observance of universal values and moral qualities. At the same time, the settlement of these issues at the regulatory level will preserve the normal functioning of state institutions and ensure the rights and constitutional guarantees of civil servants.
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