public administration, public administration, personal security, social mechanisms, social security, security management.Abstract
The article comprehensively investigates and highlights the formation of general theoretical characteristics of social mechanisms in the management system of personal security. It argued that at the present stage of formation of the Ukrainian process of reforming the state and social order in a wide range of dangers, social dangers and threats occupy a prominent place. Deepening crisis processes, serious mistakes and miscalculations in the implementation of radical reforms have contributed to the achievement of critical values of social losses. Integral indicators of society’s social ills and declining security are deteriorating demographic characteristics that reflect the general state of the gene pool, increasing deviant manifestations, declining living standards of the majority of the population, growing social differentiation by property, excessive income polarization, significant social destruction. Currently, there are also many problems that suggest the decline in social security, serious social dangers and threats that hinder the effective implementation of government action to protect their country. The problem of social security from ancient times has been, is and obviously will be among the priority and most important areas of national security, its non-military components. It is the activity of man, the state, the world community to identify, prevent and eliminate those factors and circumstances that can deprive people of fundamental material and spiritual values, harm them, close the way for development and even survival. The author concludes that social security is a state of protection of the individual, social group, community from threats of violation of their vital interests, rights, freedoms, which is a property of the social system, and social policy – measures to improve the quality of the social system. including on improving social security. At the same time, the objects of social security are all the basic elements of the social system: individual, social group, social community. Social security is provided by measures to prevent the realization of risks, threats and dangers to society arising from social processes, and therefore, the main task of the social security system is to control these processes. The tools of solving the problems of the state within the framework of social security and mechanisms are the systems: education, science and culture; national health and welfare; physical culture, tourism and sports; work with youth; social insurance, pension and other security; public safety, the fight against crime and delinquency; social protection of the population, persons with disabilities. It is obvious that the systems have their own governing bodies, based on appropriate funding, regulatory framework, human resources, local governments (usually) and local institutions.
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