
  • Kh. V. Mashtalir
  • O. I. Kapitan




legal responsibility, offence, health protection, pharmaceutical worker, professional activity


The rapid development of pharmaceutical activities entails an increase in the workload of practitioners in this field, which in the future may lead to less thorough performance of their duties and the application of legal action. Therefore, it is obvious that an alternative way to prevent existing problems can be a thorough and comprehensive study of legal liability in the practice of pharmacists. To date, the high degree of responsibility placed on the pharmaceutical worker is mainly due to the assertion that to some extent he is entrusted with human life and health. As a result, society is trying to establish strict control over their activities, including through the use of mechanisms of legal responsibility That is why in this study we propose to explore the content of the institution of legal responsibility in such an important area as pharmacy, in particular, specifically focusing on the pharmaceutical worker as a subject of legal responsibility. Consider in more detail the features of the types of legal liability of pharmacists for certain violations: – administrative liability – a type of legal liability for an administrative offense. Consider the types of actions performed or not performed by a pharmacist, which entail administrative liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses; – disciplinary liability – pharmaceutical workers working under an employment contract fall within the scope of labor legislation; – civil or civil liability – a type of legal liability in which the offender is subject to measures established by law or agreement; – criminal liability – a type of liability regulated by the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Realizing the need for proper legal regulation of the mechanism of realization of legal responsibility of a pharmacist, there was an urgent need to amend the Criminal Code of Ukraine in its Special Part by developing a separate section “Crimes against public health”.


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