inclusive education, managerial approaches, state humanitarian policy, institution, transformation, differentiation, context, modern stage, transformation, human capitalAbstract
The article states that the state humanitarian policy in the context of differentiation of management approaches brings its advantages and influences the development and innovation of higher education institutions. One of the most difficult tasks of higher education institutions at the present stage is to create conditions and initiate activities to reduce adverse learning conditions. Educational inequality is currently a fait accompli, so higher education should provide every young person with sufficient conditions for full development, dignified self-realization and participation in socio-cultural life. It is substantiated that one of the priorities of the modern education system is to create opportunities for full participation of young people who differ from each other in different criteria of values and at the same time constructively use the potential for differentiation that exists in any educational space. Therefore, the formation and implementation of educational activities with the ideas of inclusion, based on the fact that every young person, regardless of level of intellectual fitness, social status, cultural affiliation has important potential in terms of social development is becoming increasingly important. Active participation in the diverse socio-cultural reality, which is changing dynamically, requires not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also a number of competencies. It has been proven that using the potential of differentiation to enrich the educational process today is not easy, so there are a number of barriers that hinder effective interaction and communication. Opportunities for young people belonging to social minority groups and deprived of access to various spheres of public life need to be equalized. Differentiated service delivery is an opportunity to ensure the development and improvement of the quality of the entire system of higher education institutions. This approach corresponds to solving the problems of social isolation, in which education and upbringing of the younger generation play an important role. It was found that the heads of higher education institutions should focus on systemic, comprehensive organizational solutions that support equal social opportunities. State humanitarian policy in the context of differentiation of management approaches should be considered as a developed concept of coordination with special emphasis on equalization of human capabilities and combating social imbalance. Differentiation of management approaches combines the strategy of state humanitarian policy in general and its main objectives and the strategy of human capital management of higher education institutions.
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