administration, principles of activity, law enforcement bodies, public administration, regional level, territorial organization of power, functions of the stateAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the formation and implementation of public administration in the system of law enforcement agencies. The dependence of the state of ensuring public safety and law and order on the rational course of law enforcement reform has been established. It is emphasized that in the system of law enforcement agencies an important task is to reform the functions, structure and powers of such bodies in order to increase the efficiency and sustainability of their functioning. It is established that in the current conditions of decentralization reform the ability of the public administration system to maintain balance in the conditions of significant change of norms and procedures of administrative activity acquires special significance. It is proved that the innovative model of a sovereign state requires the formation and implementation of a rational model of law enforcement, the basic task of which is to guarantee everyone strict compliance with constitutional principles, the right to "good governance". The essence of the formation of the institutional and legal concept of territorial management of law enforcement agencies as the basis of the mechanism of state management of public safety and law and order in the context f decentralization of power in Ukraine is revealed. It is substantiated that the implementation of the function of a modern law enforcement body in the field of public administration should be provided by effective mechanisms and rational models of organization of management activities based on improving the system of public service relations. It has been established that the urgent problem is the inconsistency of law enforcement reform, the prolongation of structural reforms, and the subjective uncertainty of reform. The dissertation indicates the urgent tasks of law enforcement agencies, in particular, the optimization of territorial units of law enforcement agencies in the context of decentralization; formation of the principles of interaction between law enforcement agencies and executive authorities in order to streamline the provision of public services; improving the legal framework for reforming law enforcement agencies.
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