


crisis, crisis situation, typology of crisis situations, crisis communications, crisis communications management plan


This article discusses the relevance of investigating the specifics of crisis communication management, and outlines possible ways of their organization and implementation under conditions of new challenges. The typology of crisis situations is reviewed. The author’s definition of the concept of "crisis" is given. Peculiarities of communication during the crisis are identified. It is stated that under crisis conditions people’s perception of information changes, outdated communication links and information flows are disrupted, and new circumstances require information that is relevant in terms of content, timeliness and volume. It was found that the purpose of crisis communications of the authorities is to minimize the impact of the crisis on the activity of power structures and their target audiences, to reduce the time spent on the liquidation of the crisis, as well as to renew control over the situation and communication. Under crisis conditions there is a rapid increase in the flow of information, which leads to their partial unreliability, since not only objective information, but also disinformation and fakes can spread. It is stated that tastes lead to the loss of informational stability of the society. The main reasons for the emergence of rumors and measures to combat them have been described. It was stated that for the success of crisis communication it is necessary to ensure effective cooperation with mass media and establish a dialogue with the participants in social networks. The basic rules of crisis communication are summarized: providing information as quickly as possible; cooperation with mass media for spreading truthful information and building trust; acceptance of information by crisis audiences as an important criterion for the effectiveness of crisis communication; need to know and respect crisis audiences, not to emotionally disturb them. The focus is on the fact that properly and accurately organized crisis communication plays a leading role in combating any crisis situation in society. The need to develop a plan for crisis communication management in conditions of uncertainty, which must include: identification of reputational risks for the organization; preparation of a notification; development of procedures that can be performed; identification of the responsible parties; recognition of the rapid response team; establishing an effective internal communication with employees; regular communication with external audiences; cooperation with local communities; monitoring and analysis of activities.


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