
  • Kostiantyn Mykolaiovych Havrylenko
  • Iryna Valeriivna Yukhno
  • Vitalii Volodymyrovych Bashtannyk



state, public administration, European values, Constitution of Ukraine, constitutional changes, constitutional reform, rule of law


The article is devoted to the research of theoretical and methodological bases, tendencies and peculiarities of institutional bases of public administration activity in the conditions of constitutional reform. The article substantiates the stages of development of public relations in the system of constitutional reform, reveals the institutional and theoretical foundations of the transformation process in public administration, developed a classification of features of constitutional reform in the context of modernization of public administration in Ukraine. Modern approaches to the formation of a complex algorithm for the implementation of democratic principles of constitutional reform are systematized. The essence of modern tendencies of formation of institutional bases of transformation process in the system of public administration in the context of decentralization of the power in Ukraine is opened. The author’s theoretical concept of constitutional reform as the interaction of transformational factors in the system of public administration in Ukraine, formulated since the traditions of public administration reforms, the European experience of public administration, The article presents the conceptual principles of analysis of the constitutional content of public administration reform as an independent direction in the modern system of public administration. On this basis, the principles and methodological basis of such analysis are determined and substantiated, the subjective basis of reform is determined, the essence and components of institutional reform are specified. Methodological principles and theoretical aspects of initiation, formation and formalized consolidation of constitutional changes in public administration are studied. The general process of formation of special mechanisms of public administration reform and influence on such process of systemic constitutional reforms is characterized. It is proved that the general algorithm of constitutional changes requires a strategic understanding of the consequences of constitutional reform, considering external factors influencing the reform process, maintaining cornerstones of constitutional principles, adherence to global trends on public, political, economic and social human rights. The basic principles of constitutional changes are the improvement of national legislation, ensuring socio-political approval of constitutional reforms. It is established that the rational content of constitutional reform requires appropriate legal content, transformation of the system of public authorities and local self-government, rationalization of the mechanism of public-private partnership, as well as political and ideological content of reform.


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