territorial community, complex management mechanism, competition, developmentAbstract
The article analyzes the international and domestic experience of substantiation of the complex mechanism of territorial community management as a system of economic, financial, social, legal and political tools for the implementation of the main tasks of local self-government. Each component of such a mechanism is described and examples of their impact on improving the effectiveness of community management are given. It is proved that the complex mechanism of community management by functional characteristics contains such components as: financial and economic, regulatory and personnel, which in turn are combined into a system of management of administrative – territorial entities of economic, financial, social, legal and political direction.
It is noted that for the effective implementation of the authority to manage communities in a competitive environment is of great importance the problem of bringing into line with modern conditions of regulatory and legal functioning of all participants in the management process. It has been proved that the most competitive and prosperous are those communities that approach their balancing in the formation of their balanced budgets and focus on certain indicators, such as: income of the general fund per capita, general fund expenditures per capita, capital expenditures per capita. one resident of the community, the share of local taxes and fees in the income of the general fund and others. It is substantiated that the introduction of mechanisms to stimulate human resources of the community, including increasing the importance of professional activities, qualifications of human resources will inevitably make qualitative changes in the social component of the integrated governance mechanism and, as a result, increase community competitiveness. It is emphasized that one of the main vectors of institutional transformations in the system of public community management in modern realities is the introduction of a new model of integrated governance mechanism based on decentralization and new conditions of administrative – territorial organization taking into account best practices of foreign countries. In the process of analysis and research, the main conceptual provisions for modeling the conditions for improving the effectiveness of community management in a competitive environment were substantiated. It is determined that such modeling is based on strategic changes in the process of public management of community development through improving the efficiency of management decisions and taking into account all possible problematic options. The necessity of developing and implementing a comprehensive mechanism for managing the development of territorial communities in conditions of competition is proved, the content of its components is formulated, it is substantiated that the action of certain mechanisms for managing the development of territorial communities can increase their competitiveness.
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Про затвердження Державної стратегії регіонального розвитку на 2021–2027 роки : Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 05.08.2020 р. № 695 URL: (дата звернення: 02.02.2022).
Децентралізація дає можливості. URL: (дата звернення: 02.02.2022).