Inclusiveness, inclusive education, inclusive school, forms of inclusive educationAbstract
The article attempts to consider the features of the inclusive system in Ukraine. We consider the theoretical principles for solving an existing problem, describe the main scientific approaches to the studying of the features of the inclusive system in Ukraine. The main principles, goals and objectives of inclusive education were explored and the positive aspects of involving children with special needs in general education institutions were analyzed. The article attempts to consider the features of the inclusive system in Ukraine. Theoretical principles for solving the existing problem are considered, the main scientific approaches to studying the features of the inclusive system in Ukraine are characterized. The basic principles, goals and objectives of inclusive education are studied and the positive aspects of involving children with special needs in secondary schools are analyzed. It has been proven that inclusive education should be based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, which ensures equal treatment of all people, but creates special conditions for children with special needs. It is emphasized that with the development of a democratic society, which guarantees the right of every citizen to actively participate in the life of this society, comes a new understanding of the concepts of “disability”, “developmental disabilities”, “integration” and so on. It has been proven that the problem facing an inclusive school is to develop personality-oriented pedagogical methods that would ensure the successful learning of all children, including children with mental or physical disorders. The article states that the priority areas are to promote the social, emotional and cognitive development of each child so that he feels a unique, full participant in public life. It is emphasized that the quality of the educational process is largely determined by the extent to which the potential opportunities for learning and development of each child, its individual characteristics are taken into account and implemented. It is emphasized that no matter what the physical or mental limitations, the child always has reserves for development, the use of which can significantly improve the quality of life. The article emphasizes that the need to develop a system in the state regulation of education is determined by the following points: uncertainty and diversity of educational products in the same educational process; the specifics of supply and demand in the markets of educational products and the imperfections of the market mechanism in education; inconsistency of the content and forms of state management of education with the innovative essence of educational processes and the new role of the education sector in the post-industrial society.
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