


internal personal conflict, classification, contradictions, psychological oppositions, constructive, destructive


The article presents theoretical analysis of the fundamentals of internal personal conflicts. It is noted that most students experience internal contradictions and oppositions that cause emotional tension, mental instability, and this creates internal personal conflict. The approaches of the national and foreign scientists to the peculiarities of their course have been considered. According to the phenomenon of “internal personal conflict” it has been systematized according to different classifications, which were based on scientific concepts of scientists, criteria, causes arising. The main forms of manifestation of internal personal conflicts and their characteristic features have been analyzed. The peculiarities of internal personal conflicts have been systematized, and it is determined that this type of conflict is a systemic phenomenon based on contradictions of the whole-semantic sphere and they are manifested in some way on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels of personality. It is conditioned by the psyche itself, its development and harmonious formation, the presence of the relationship between the inner and the outer world of a person, the realization of his or her personal needs. Contradictions that lead to the emergence of life crises and have different grounds for the emergence of internal personal conflicts have been systematized on the basis of the works of scientists. The statement that this type of conflict manifests itself as a dissonance of internal personal expectations and desires with the abilities to realize them has been substantiated. The necessity of timely diagnosing the presence of intrapersonal conflict has been considered, as well as the importance of its solution in a constructive way. The positive consequences of internal personal conflicts have been analyzed. The attention is paid to the negative consequences of destructive internal personal conflicts.


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