



emotional sphere, female depression, factors of depression, cognitive model of depression, depressive symptoms, social factors of depression


The article presents the results of the study of depressive manifestations of women with different social status and income levels. The indicators of unemployed women, working women with an income of less than 10,000 hryvnas per month (average social status) and working women with an income of more than 10,000 hryvnas per month (high social status) were compared. The material about the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the phenomenon of depression, in particular, women’s, is presented. The factors and causes of depression, its most common symptoms and signs are listed. A brief analysis of the preconditions for the development of women’s depression in related to psychological and physiological characteristics has been made. In particular, psychological, physiological and social determinants are described.
The aim of the article was to highlight the results of a study of the impact of social status, in this case the presence or absence of work and income levels, on women’s depressive symptoms. The need for such an attempt is due to the fact that the analysis of the scientific literature did not reveal systematic research on this topic. The experiment was performed using the method of “A. Beck’s Depression Scale”. Empirical methods such as observation, survey, testing, mathematical data processing were used. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results made it possible to identify differences in depressive manifestations by groups of subjects.
Conclusions. Theoretical material on the problem of female depression was deepened and systematized. It has been found that women with lower social status have a higher level of depression and certain features in its manifestations compared to women who have higher social status. It can be stated that the presence or absence of work of women does not affect the specifics of depressive symptoms. It has been proven that the level of income can cause some symptoms of depression in the group of women with lower incomes.


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