


cyberbullying, cyber aggression, cyberbullying models, cyberspace, social networks


The article presents an analysis of the problem of cyberbullying in the modern youth environment, which is becoming extremely relevant in today’s conditions. The historical aspect of studying the problem of bullying as a phenomenon is defined, which is defined as any activity of a person or group that is aimed at the target group or individual, including emotional, physical or verbal violence that recurs over time. The main approaches to the definition of “cyberbullying”, which is characterized as the use of information and communication technologies, such as e-mail, mobile phone, personal Internet sites, for intentional, repeated and hostile behavior of an individual or group aimed at insulting others. A comparative analysis of the differences between bullying and cyberbullying was conducted. The views of modern domestic and foreign scientists on the phenomenon of cyberbullying are considered, which on the basis of empirical research determine various forms of cyberbullying. The main focus is on the analysis and characterization of the signs of cyberbullying in the youth environment, especially in society. networks. Statistical data of a large-scale international study of cyberbullying in modern youth are analyzed. The consequences of cyberbullying on the object of cyberbullying are identified and characterized: physical (headache, sleep disorders, fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive problems, etc.), psychological (stress, depression, self-harm, suicide attempts, bulicide), emotional (fear, horror, anxiety, longing, sadness, resentment, humiliation, etc.), psychosocial (feelings of isolation, loneliness, ostracism, social rejection). Models of cyberbullying by Western scientists have been studied, which provide a theoretical basis for a better understanding of the internal struggle of psychological and behavioral processes of a person who is in a situation of cyberbullying.


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