
  • Iryna Fedorivna Arshava
  • Maryna Anatoliivna Saliuk




implicit theories of intelligence, implicit theories of personality, coping behavior, coping-strategies, selfefficacy, viability, psychological well-being


The review and analysis of the problem on interrelation of implicit theories of intellect and personality with coping strategies are presented in the article. Theoretical information about implicit theories, coping strategies of personality and features of interrelation of these phenomena are generalized, systematized and expanded. The results of an empirical study of the nature of the relationship between the features of implicit human ideas about intelligence and personality and coping strategies are presented. The study was conducted with the involvement of an empirical sample of subjects, a total of 70 people, for the operationalization of theoretical constructs and empirical testing of hypotheses used six psychodiagnostic techniques. The results of the empirical research were processed with the help of r-Pearson criterion for the correlation detection, U-Mann-Whitney test for groups comparison and cluster (k-means method) analysis. According to the results of the study, the assumption that the implicit beliefs of a person about the possibilities of intensive development and change of the subject during life determine the desire to take responsibility for their own events and related to the choice of problem-oriented strategies of coping behavior.
The results of the research can be used in psychological practice for work with coping strategies to make people better deal with stressful and problematic situations. It also can be useful in the practice of correction and counseling psychology.


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