foreign policy, international relations, public administration, globalization, interdisciplinary approachAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of such doctrines as foreign policy and international relations, but from the point of view of an interdisciplinary approach, since having many similarities, these are still different sciences. Although from the point of view of public administration, the state holds the main positions in these two vectors, therefore very often in the field of public administration, these determinants are used either as synonyms or as concepts that are close in meaning. Because, in exercising its foreign policy functions, each state pursues a certain policy outside its own country, in the international arena, in cooperation with others and international organizations. The foreign policy of the state is a derivative feature of international relations. The foreign policy of the state is determined by its internal life and internal policy, which predetermines the mechanisms and tools (directions, forms and means) for the formation and implementation of the state’s foreign policy. It has been studied that international relations and foreign policy at the state level are carried out by the same institutions that operate on the territory of the state and beyond its borders and represent the state in its official relations with other states and subjects of international law. It is studied that the weakness of the theory of international relations is the lack of a scientifically proven theory, therefore, there is a need for the possibility of a wide application of interdisciplinary modern scientific methods and approaches. It is revealed that in the implementation of interests in the field of international relations, the existing methods and means are used that the state operates in the implementation of the fundamental foundations of domestic and foreign policy, in particular economic, political, ideological, diplomatic, defense, and all of them are influenced by globalization trends. The theory of international relations is a relatively young science and does not have a set of its own research methods in its arsenal, therefore it selects general scientific methods and methods of other disciplines of scientific knowledge in relation to its object. This is what determined that an interdisciplinary approach should be applied to the analysis of foreign policy and international relations, which will allow using more tools from other areas of scientific knowledge that were not previously taken into account when studying the processes of formation and implementation of the foreign policy of the state.
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