


strategic planning, environmental sphere, strategy, program, project, public management


The article examines the importance of strategic planning in the environmental sphere. Established that the issues of the effectiveness of strategic planning require finding ways to implement and implement various forms of citizen participation in solving environmental problems of national and local importance. It became clear that an effective tool for establishing interaction between all actors of environmental policy is the joint development and implementation of strategic and program documents. The resolution of possible conflicts taking into account the interests of all subjects of cooperation is recognized as a condition of efficiency. The interaction of different levels of public management in the process of strategic planning in the environmental sphere is characterized. The necessity of the formation perspective directions of improvement of strategic planning in the ecological sphere is recognized. The Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy for the Period until 2030” and the Strategy for Environmental Safety and Adaptation to Climate Change until 2030 are characterized. The need to build effective cooperation between society and the state in the environmental sphere based on cooperation and partnership is emphasized. It was found, that at the national level, influential civil society organizations do not want to participate in project competitions, however, at the local level, such interest is present. The problem of low level of project quality and complexity of their administration is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the need to find ways to eliminate shortcomings in the quality of the process of formation and implementation of strategic and program documents in the environmental field. The process from planning to the evaluation of strategic and program documents is presented, which helps determine the direction of movement, the vision of the process, and results of the strategy, program, project. The main stages of planning, monitoring, and analysis of strategic and program documents in the environmental sphere are presented and characterized.


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Закон України «Про основні засади (стратегію) державної екологічної політики на період до 2030 року» від 28.02.2019 № 2697-VIII.

Ухвалено Стратегію екологічної безпеки та адаптації до зміни клімату до 2030 року. Урядовий портал. URL:

Національна стратегія сприяння розвитку громадянського суспільства в Україні на 2016–2020 роки. Урядовий портал. URL:

Методичні рекомендації з планування, моніторингу та оцінювання процесів відновлення. URL:

