police, historical development, Intelligence Led Policing, the Baltics, the USAAbstract
The article investigates the historical stages of development of police science, analyses the main doctrinal approaches to defining the category of policing, considers the basics of the model of policing, including Intelligence Led Policing, provides an author’s definition of this concept. Through the prism of foreign experience of the United States of America and the Baltic States, attention is focused on some shortcomings of policing in Ukraine, specific proposals are made to improve the law enforcement system of the country. The author analyses the latest changes in the domestic police legislation of the United States, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and selects the best practices of organizational and functioning of police bodies, with the possibility of further implementation in domestic legislation. It is proved that the need to reform Ukrainian legislation is due to several factors, the most important of which is the pro- European strategy of state development, in addition, the rapid development of democratic processes and social relations require increased efficiency of policing. The author came to the following conclusions: In the works of foreign and domestic scientists enshrined certain models of policing, despite this, in modern conditions, many lawyers, administrative scientists and the author personally consider it appropriate to move police to a management model of Intelligence Led Policing. one of the modern models of policing, which is aimed at forecasting the main risks and which is based on the information resources of the country. The analysis of police systems of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the USA allows to speak about similar and distinctive features of police activity of foreign countries and Ukraine. Thus, the police system in the Baltic States has its own structure, hierarchical structure and close interaction of police authorities with the authorities, respectively, in turn, the US police system is characterized by a clear division of powers between police units and the superiority of local police (state police). the country’s legislation testifies to the democratization of the police system and its direction in the social direction, which is a model for Ukraine and can be a prerequisite for reforming the police system.
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