psychological readiness, components of psychological readiness, family, marriage, readiness for marital and family relations, motivational and value orientations, training programAbstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the choice of marriage partner by young people, identifies the following leading psychological factors in this process: physical and physiological maturity, sexual, social and pedagogical, as well as economic, instrumental and psychological readiness. It has been established that modern marriage is less and less regulated by economic or political factors, does not depend on a clear division of labor or hierarchy of authority; the regulatory pressure of society on the state of marriage is weakening. This situation leads to the fact that the leading determinants that influence the decision to marry are: spiritual closeness, love, unity of values and worldview. The results of empirical research are presented, which allowed to identify the leading value orientations in the preparation of young people for marital and family relationships. It was found that among future marriage partners among the valuemotivational components, young people prefer «love», «mutual understanding» and «mutual respect». High levels of "understanding" and "emotional attraction" were also identified, as well as a medium level of "respect" among junior students for potential marital and family partners. The application of projective methods for diagnosing the emotional-regulatory component of psychological readiness of young people to enter into marital and family relations, namely the associative attitude of the empirical base of the study to such categories as «family», «marriage», «I». In order to optimize the attitude of training participants to themselves, increase the effectiveness of their interaction with a potential partner in different life situations, awareness and internalization of the value of mutual love and common views as the basis of long-term marital and family relationships, training program and determined the effectiveness of its use. The perspective of further work is outlined, which is to find out the connection between the readiness of young people for marital and family relations and the peculiarities of gender identity in youth.
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