
  • I. F. Arshava
  • V. Yu. Kutepova-Bredun



creativity, figurative thinking, propensity to risk, sense of humor, trustworthiness, intuition, empathy


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the creativity of professional and amateur musicians. The characteristic of the phenomenon of creativity is given. The purpose of this work is to clarify the characteristics of the impact of musical activity on the development of such a personal trait as creativity by comparing the differences in the characteristics of the creativity of musicians and people involved in music at the amateur level. To empirically verify the specifics of the creativity of professional musicians and amateur musicians, a psychodiagnostic study was conducted, which involved 96 people (52 professional musicians and 44 amateur musicians). The following psychodiagnostic methods were used to solve the tasks set in the study: 16-factor personality questionnaire R.B. Kettella (16-FPQ-187-A), diagnostics of types of thinking and level of creativity (J. Brunner), personal creativity questionnaire (OE Tunik, 2002). The presence of a higher level of creativity in professional musicians is substantiated and its constituent components in this contingent are singled out. The group of professional musicians has such traits as creativity, curiosity and riskiness. Amateur musicians also show a moderate level of creativity. Thus, the creativity of professional musicians and amateurs, despite the same type of activity, has a different character. Regression analysis used in the study revealed that the creativity of professional musicians is most influenced by imagination and symbolic thinking, and the creativity of amateur musicians is determined by imagination, figurative thinking and such traits as trust (L – according to Kettell). The study of creativity (professional musicians, amateurs) emphasizes the exceptional role of imagination in the creative abilities of both groups of musicians, but professionals, along with imagination, play a significant role in sign thinking, and amateurs - figurative thinking, which emphasizes the differences between their groups.


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