



pandemic, COVID-19, mental state; quarantine; coping strategies; coping mechanisms; coping


This article examines the urgent problem for the entire world, namely the confrontation of society with the conditions of quarantine restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation, which affected absolutely every person, necessitated the study of psychological features of ways to manage and solve the individual's problematic issues that arose as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this article is to study the specifics of coping strategies in the population in relation to the situation with COVID-19 infection. The article describes the main coping mechanisms and coping strategies that help men and women to cope with stress and stressful situations; The study of the relationship between men's and women’s use of certain coping strategies depending on their attitude to the situation around the pandemic. The results showed that despite the fact that the term of quarantine restrictions has been in force for two years, there are people who consider coronavirus disease as a contrived threat to life and have increased its importance; There are people who consider COVID-19 a real threat to the population, but only for those with weak immunity; Those who consider the threat of COVID-19 to be very dangerous and only some individuals among those surveyed perceive COVID-19 as a real threat to the entire population and are worried that quarantine restrictions should be observed. The study showed that men are more emotionally destabilized in resolving complex issues related to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease than women. The results of respondents for coping mechanisms showed that within the framework of the current situation around the COVID-19 pandemic the following coping mechanisms are used more often: “confrontational”, “leakage-avoidance”, “problem-solving planning”, “positive reevaluation”. At the same time, “self-control”, “distancing” and “seeking social support” are the most significant in these conditions. It was shown that men and women mostly choose different coping mechanisms to cope with stressful situations within quarantine restrictions, but there are also those coping mechanisms that are used equally by both groups of respondents.


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