


autism spectrum disorders, psychodiagnostics, quality of life, psychocorrection, rehabilitation


The main stages of formation of approaches to the definition and study of autism spectrum disorders are considered in the article. RAS is considered a disorder of neurodevelopment, characterized by social and communicative deficits and repetitive behavior. In most cases, ASDs debut in early childhood and have a significant negative impact on the child's personality, family members and quality of life in general. According to the frequency of RAS, they rank fourth among various types of chronic neuropsychiatric pathology in children. More than 7,000 children and adolescents with ASD are registered in Ukraine. Although over time, the behavior of people with ASD can be adapted and adapted to life in society, these disorders have a significant impact on quality of life, social interaction and the future for both children and adults and their families. According to most studies, with timely and early comprehensive diagnosis and psychological correction, these disorders can be alleviated and most of these children can reach the level of socialization necessary for life in society. Modern ideas about the causes and mechanisms of ASD are based on numerous data that indicate the presence of severe pathology at various levels of the body, from mental and neurophysiological to neurochemical and anatomical, as well as the results of genetic research. in psychological world practice there is a significant amount of empirical material, correctional methods and techniques to help children with autism spectrum disorders. The described methods of corrective action differ depending on the theoretical positions of researchers of their views on the etiopathogenesis of autism. Nevertheless, most of them can be used as a basis for developing an effective domestic system of correction and rehabilitation of children with autism in order to provide adequate psychological and pedagogical support for this category of people. Issues of RAS have been considered for more than half a century. Depending on the scientific field, they are verified as a symptom, syndrome, disease or pathology of development. This is reflected in the international classifications of diseases in which autistic disorders are identified among a variety of developmental disorders.


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