


axiologization, axiological approach, pedagogical activity, professional image, values, value orientations


The article focuses on value orientations as a major component of the professional image of a future teacher, since the strategy of forming the professional image of a teacher is today one of the leading in the national education, because in its structure, as well as in the structure of the teacher’s personality, values have a special place. It is argued that value orientations appear in the professional image as the internal framework of its entire structure. The essence of the concept of professional image is revealed, proceeding from axiological viewpoint. It is the axiological approach that directs pedagogical activity to the formation of a system of humanistic, social, moral and spiritual, professional and personal value orientations of the individual, without which personal and professional development of the individual is impossible. Given the need to solve psychological and pedagogical problems in the process of image formation, the axiological approach allows to reveal personal potential on the basis of values and organize the process of constructing the professional image of the future teacher within the values of Ukrainian education and culture, as well as focus on the value component which includes the formation of personal qualities related to pedagogical activities. The process of image creation is a complex activity, a significant part of which is carried out in the sphere of the person’s inner world. The essence of pedagogical activity is that it cannot be only for itself, its meaning is in the transition of activity “for oneself” into activity for another, in the involvement of that other in the values of culture, in the perception of others as a value. The natural and established mechanism of formation of professional image allows us to define it as a specially formed image, as a result of activity of cognitive and affective sphere of the future teacher. The image of the axiologically oriented teacher, his psychological and visual characteristics, which are manifested in pedagogical activity, speak about the readiness of the teacher for self-affirmation, self-actualization, and self-determination.


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