


socio-psychological training, professional group interaction, ICT specialists, group cohesion, sociopsychological climate, communication


The article analyzes the problem of professional group interaction. It is noted that group cohesion and a favorable sociopsychological climate are one of the important factors that determine the features of professional group interaction and the effectiveness of joint activities. The factors that determine the level of team cohesion are highlighted. The conditions for ensuring a favorable sociopsychological climate in the team are disclosed. The ways of improving the socio-psychological climate have been determined. The features of the professional activity of ICT specialists are presented. It is shown that the successful activities of ICT companies depend not only on the qualifications of specialists and their ability and willingness to work, but also on the ability to effectively interact while working on a common project. It is designated that conducting socio-psychological trainings with teams of ICT specialists can be means of mastering the skills of effective group interaction. The specificity of socio-psychological training is revealed, its key tasks, forms and methods, as well as the conditions for its implementation, are determined. It is noted that conducting socio-psychological trainings in professional teams helps to strengthen informal ties between team members, create trusting relationships, resolve various kinds of problem situations, and increase the level of personal responsibility for making common decisions. Taking into account specifics of professional activity of ICT specialists, a program aimed at optimizing group interaction of socio-psychological training has been developed and presented. The tasks of the training, conditions for its implementation are revealed. Groups of exercises used in the work are characterized. It is concluded that the presented socio-psychological training for ICT specialists can be one of the most effective methods for improving communication between members of professional teams, increasing the overall level of cohesion, and optimizing the socio-psychological climate.


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